Saturday 4 October 2014


Although the Siddhas have the ability to look into the past, the present and into the future; although they can tap into the happenings and our thought patterns, they are dictated only to say or reveal them by the Almighty. That is the reason every reading is started with a prayer to the Almighty. 

People from all walks of life come for a reading including believers and non believers alike. The Siddhas response to an individual would vary from an individual to another, just as man behaves differently to others according to the place, situation, their relation. The most compassionate Siddhas are not the least angered when the seekers are skeptical and approach with hesitation and doubt, as many have used the Siddhas to profess and tricked and cheated these public. 

For a reading to become fruitful, the merits of the Nadi reader and the seeker too is taken into consideration. The Nadi reader has to have the ability to read the inscriptions flawlessly from the Nadi, comprehend the subject matter, imbibe the message and to deliver it to the seeker. Before providing a reading the Siddhas look into the seeker's ability to assimilate what is to be said. The seeker too has to approach the Nadi with faith and belief. One has not only to have the urge or curiosity but must also have developed the mental state to understand these revelations. With God's blessing a revelation is then made.

Agathiyar reveals a reading solely with the intention to change the man and set him back on the right track. The Siddhas reveal the truth, however bitter it may be, to save man from falling further and further into a deep mess and to keep one from doing wrongs, again and again. With some piece of advice and certain guidance man eventually gains confidence to rise and battle the wrong in him. It would be easier to battle the evil in us if we had the Almighty on our side.

Let us understand devotion in the next post.