Saturday 1 October 2016


Kallar Ashram which has been in existence for some fourteen years now, has come into the limelight lately, becoming prominent and making headlines via the traditional paper-based and electronic media, more so after its patron founder Tavayogi Thangarasan Adigal began to read the Agathiyar Jeeva Nadi for the public.

Agathiyar's directive to promote the Siddha teachings brought Tavayogi to Malaysia and Singapore besides spreading the Siddha path in his home ground. His effort in bringing the 1st World Conference of Siddha Philosophy to Malaysia and subsequently the 2nd to Chennai has to be applauded. Efforts were taken to bring worship of Siddhas to the attention of the public who were already well acquainted with the Siddha system of medicine.

Today, Kallar Ashram has come a long way from its humble start in a thatched shed in the hillock at the foothills of Agathiyar Vanam, at Thuripaalam, Kallar to a proper Ashram/Temple spread over a two acre piece of land some two kilometers away at the Railway Gate, Kallar. The new Ashram/Temple/Meditation Hall complex will be officially inaugurated  on 16 December 2016 followed by the commencement of the annual Agathiyar Jayanthi and Guru Puja, with its highlight, the Sarva Dosa Nivaarana Maha Yagam, on 18 December 2016.

Kalyanakumar Veerapandiyan of Chennai with his team has come forward to spearhead the dissemination of information regarding the Kallar Ashram through the Information Technology media. He has created/hosted several social media to this extent including

Kalyanakumar Veerapandiyan
Tavayogi is also available on Skype. 

As I watch these developments at Kallar Ashram, I am delighted to see it grow right in front of our eyes. My mind races back to the good old days when I was there in the company of Tavayogi and Mataji at the old Ashram, where neither water nor electricity was available. We had to fetch water from a nearby pump, wash and bath at the nearby stream and light a Hurricane gas light at night. One had to cross the railway track and walk up a small hill to access the Ashram. But as the number of devotees who patronized Kallar Ashram began to increase day by day, and having the comfort of these devotees in mind, it was only proper for the Ashram to move to a more easily accessible locality with better facilities.

Many good Samaritans have come forward to make Tavayogi's dream a reality. To all these good souls, AVM and Siddha Heartbeat on behalf of Tavayogi and Kallar Ashram extends its gratefulness. Together we shall help bring the teachings of the Siddhas to the world and strive to become a Siddha ourself.

It is nice to note that this new Ashram has had the blessings of Agathiyar through the numerous Jeeva Nadi readings for the Ashram and individuals who seeked out a reading.

The blog carried Kallar Ashram too.